Case study

How I have grown a Jewellery brand?

Aukso sala, the family business passing their secrets of jewelry from generation to generation since the beginning of 1994. They produce high-quality products using only precious metals and stones.

Wanting to increase their traffic and sales, Aukso sala already had SEO partners but did not see any results and explanations of what needed to be improved.

Through technical audit and improvements, SEO-focused strategy, on-page optimization, and authority building, Aukso sala increased its results dramatically – keywords positions increased three times, organic traffic by 669%, and 83 keywords appeared in top #3 positions.

How I did it:

  • SEO-Focused Technical Audit
  • SEO Strategy
  • Internal Optimization
  • Authority Building
The Results


Increase in Keywords positions


Increase in Organic traffic​


83 keywords in top #3 positions.